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Preparation is Key!

What are you doing right now to prepare for what you believe God has called you to do? I ought to be able to look around your house and see […]

Practice Your Posture

Your body language is largely responsible for the impression someone has of you. After receiving my minor from Texas Tech University in Communication Studies, I began to really notice body […]

“Cheer Mom”

Once a cheerleader, always a cheerleader, right? I used to love cheering at High School football games, basketball games, volleyball games, you name it! I just loved cheerleading. Well, I […]

Clean up and clean out!

My mom is such a perfectionist about having her house clean, organized and everything in its place! I mean everything!  Her house is home-y but almost “museum-like”…. got it?  If […]

Tailor-Made Temptations

When I was in cheerleading at Crowley High School, all the cheerleaders had to get fitted for our uniforms.  We scheduled a day to meet with a seamstress, and she […]

What gets you up in the morning?

I was just thinking about how easy it is to let our passion die. Every day that we wake up, we have a choice to either dread the day or […]

Don't let your dreams pass you by!

You don’t have to waste another day without knowing how to start pursuing your dreams! Request this FREE PDF resource from Terri today.

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