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You can live a clutter free life.

Sometimes it is more than our surroundings that become cluttered. Life can become cluttered when projects and tasks are left unfinished and when we procrastinate in the things we should […]

What are your clothes communicating?

I’ve discovered that the way we dress says far more than we may think. You are communicating all the time without ever opening your mouth. Your unique clothing style says […]

Dig In Your Heals

Dean Rhodes was a man who missed opportunity after opportunity, but chose to dig in his heels and not give up until he succeeded. In John Maxwell’s book Failing Forward, […]

Big Faith Big Dreams

God has called you to dream big dreams. Every God-given dream requires faith in order to reach it. So, how can you determine if your faith is BIG enough for […]

Intimate Soul Ties

Severing wrong soul ties can be one of the most painful experiences in your life. Even though you know you must move on, you know you can’t carry your past […]

My trip to Mercy Ministries

I had the privilege of ministering to the beautiful young ladies of Mercy Ministries in Nashville, TN with Nancy Alcorn. Oh, they melted my heart!! These young girls have gone […]

Don't let your dreams pass you by!

You don’t have to waste another day without knowing how to start pursuing your dreams! Request this FREE PDF resource from Terri today.

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