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The book I didn’t want to write.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m very excited about Untangle being released on June 18, but it was a book I knew I needed to write more than I wanted to […]

Breaking Soul-Ties

I recently received a report revealing that my #1 viewed podcast series is “Breaking Soul Ties”. Based on the emails I receive and letters I read, many people are locked […]

Can You Imagine

I read a story about the Grand Opening Ceremony of Disney World in Orlando, Florida. It reported that at the grand opening, Walt Disney had already passed away. He wasn’t […]

Do you make New Year’s resolutions?

Did you know that 4 out of 5 people who make New Year’s resolutions this month will eventually break them? In fact, over 30% won’t even make it to the […]

Happy New Year!

I want 2012 to be your best year yet! I ask people all over the world if they want their life to be different next year at this time and […]

Clutter blocks success

The Bible tells us that God wants us to prosper and have success (Joshua 1:8). However, I’ve discovered that when we are surrounded by clutter, success is hindered. Even if […]

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