Good friendships are priceless.
If you want to see where your life is headed, look at the list of names in your cell phone. Who you hang around has everything to do with where […]
Don’t let anyone talk you out of your dreams!
People will constantly try to belittle your dreams. They’ll tell you that your dreams are ridiculous, you’re crazy and it can’t be done! People will laugh at you and try […]
2011: The Best Shape of Your life
I love inspiring people to set goals. I love it even more when they reach their goals. I read recently that 4 out of 5 people who make New Year’s […]
Christmas Greetings… We love you!

Have a blessed and merry Christmas.
France Ministry Update

Hello dear friends and partners! The ministry during this France tour has been just amazing. We’ve distributed almost 3,000 copies of my French book, “You’re Valuable to God” in meetings […]
My “things to put off” list
Mastering procrastination… If you’re really looking for a way to avoid success and NOT pursue your dreams, procrastination is the answer! For some, procrastination is a way of life. They […]