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Stop Remembering What God Forgot!

Years ago at a Believers’ Convention, I was standing on the 2nd row when all of a sudden, Reverend Oral Roberts turned around to me and said, “You’re called aren’t […]

Don’t Lose Your Future by Looking Back

Have you ever noticed that thieves don’t break into houses to steal the paper cups, toilet paper, and Kleenex? They go for what’s valuable. They go for the jewelry and […]

I Wish I Was More Disciplined

I recently asked some of the people I work with what their first thought was when they heard the word discipline. They said: “accountable, responsibility, bondage, hard, and yuck.” What […]

Setting Monthly Goals For Yourself

Have you ever spent one or two days cleaning out your closet? I mean you REALLY clean it. You put all the shoes where they go, you hang up all […]

3 Steps To Building Your Self-Esteem

A few years ago, I walked into a tanning salon where I desperately needed some color before going on my first official missions trip to Costa Rica. It’s tropical there […]

Your Self-Image Affects Your Destiny

When I was in college taking a Psychology class, the professor asked each of us to get out a sheet of paper and draw a picture of the way we […]

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