Pep Talk

You have the ability to change the entire direction of your life with that little thing under your nose: your mouth. Yes, it’s as simple as it seems. We all […]
The Power Of Now

WHAT IS YOUR DREAM IN LIFE? I meet so many people as I travel across the world teaching God’s Word who are not one step closer to their dreams than […]
Turn What If Into What Is

[quote align=”center” color=”#999999″]Have you ever taken the time to ask yourself, “What if?” What if you finished your degree? What if you started that business? What if you were out […]
Clutter Clean Out

One of my favorite subjects to share about is pursuing your dreams and your goals. Why? Because I personally discovered this is key to having a successful life. And not […]
4 Indicators Of Wrong Soul Ties

Out of the hundreds of video podcasts I’ve recorded, my highest viewed videos on YouTube are on “Breaking Soul Ties”. I receive countless emails, letters and messages from women and men […]
Imagine Big

I’VE ALWAYS BEEN A GOAL-SETTER, but not necessarily a goal-getter. In fact, for years I had the habit every January 1 of pulling out a sheet of paper and writing […]